STEM Ed Bills Are Deja Vu All Over, with One Twist

STEM education bills in the new Congress look a lot like the bills from the old Congress. But the Educating Tomorrow's Engineer Act from Representative Paul Tonko could open up new ground for engineering in K-12 education. See here what makes it matter.

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Dreams Need Doing - Does Engineering Outreach?

By any measure, engineering outreach is a growth industry. But graduation rates have lagged, especially among women and African-Americans. For all this activity, why haven't more students gone into engineering? Does the problem lie with engineering or somewhere else?

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Elementary School Engineering Answers the Bell

Engineering isn't getting into elementary school classrooms any time soon. It's already there. New science standards include engineering as a core concept, but engineering has already staked a large claim to space in elementary schools across the country.

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In Sports, Engineering Gets Drafted for a Winning Edge

The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat ... the coefficient of drag? Engineering and sports have become inextricably linked, as big data, wearable tech, and new materials add up to new ways to excel on the field and in the classroom.

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Are African-American Women Overachieving in Engineering?

Not only are African-Americans in engineering notably under-represented, but their graduation rates have in fact gone down in recent years. Rates for African-American women in engineering, though, present some intriguing questions. Could they in fact be overachieving in engineering?

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Hispanics in Engineering Pick Up the Pace

Hispanics in engineering have been earning an increasing share of all post-secondary degrees, especially at the bachelor's and master's levels. Even so, they remain under-represented in engineering and lag their white peers in rates of degree completion. Extensive outreach operations seek to boost Hispanics' accomplishments in STEM with comprehensive support across diverse, education-related fronts.

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35 Ways of Looking at STEM Education Policy

Members of Congress have introduced a large number of bills related to STEM education policy – about 35, providing insight into the many different ways that Congress looks at this area. They also invite a look at how the STEM education policy community works with Congress.

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The Problem with the "Pipeline"

Pipelines are dank, dark, generally inhospitable places. As a dominant image and mindset in engineering outreach about bringing girls into engineering, "pipeline" does the field no favors. But new approaches people are using to draw more women into engineering are paying off.

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Got Engineers? Workforce Development and Diversity in Engineering

For all that engineering is said to be everywhere, K-12 audiences command a limited, often wrong grasp of what engineers do. This presents some daunting facts for us to reckon with in devising efforts to expand participation in the field, whether for workforce needs or broadening diversity in engineering. 

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