Download and print posters for your classroom or home!

Poster for Grades K-2

Help kids see themselves as engineers!

Size of poster to download: 24" x 18"

Print at Staples for $14.99. 

The rhyme on poster reads:

They dream, invent, and create things
that shape our lives and days,
from games and gears and gadgets,
to phones and big highways.

They tackle tricky problems,
designing smart solutions
for how to heal the wounded
and ways to cut pollution. 

Think telescopes and
high-speed trains, the bridge
that stands for years; our
world is made a better place
because of engineers. 

What would you create
if you were an engineer?

If you'd like a larger poster (30" x 20"), the cost to download is the same. The cost to print at Walmart Photo is $18.86. 
Please email us after purchasing and we'll send you the larger file.

If you'd like a smaller poster (20" x 16"), the cost to download is the same. The cost to print at Walmart Photo is $12.86.
Please email us after purchasing and we'll send you the smaller file.

Poster for Grades 3-6

The top fields of engineering
explained and illustrated!
Click on image to read the text. 

Size: 20" x 16".
Print at Walmart Photo for $12.86.

If you'd like a larger poster (30" x 20"), the cost to download is the same. The cost to print at Walmart Photo is $18.86. Please email us after purchasing and we'll send you the larger file.